Compaq Big Band
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Some of our great clients...
Battleship Cove: www.battleshipcove.org
Courageous Sailing Center: courageoussailing.org
Center for Arts in Natick, The: www.natickarts.org
Nashua Downtown: www.nashuadowntown.com
Nashua Public Library: nashualibrary.org
Prescott Park Arts Festival: www.prescottpark.org
Stoneham Chamber of Commerce: stonehamchamber.org
Yankee Homecoming: yankeehomecoming.com

Venues and clubs we've played, or will be playing at soon...
Battleship Cove: www.battleshipcove.org
Brookline Community Center for the Arts: cccaonline.org
Center for Arts in Natick, The: www.natickarts.org
Crowne Plaza Hotel Nashua
Harvard Club, The: www.harvardclub.com
Palace Theater: palacetheatre.org
Regattabar at the Charles Hotel: www.regattabarjazz.com
Rockafellas of Salem: rockafellasofsalem.com
Rockingham Ballroom: www.rockinballroom.club
Swing City Boston: swingcityboston.com
Swing Dance Depot: www.swingdancedepot.com
Tuckerman Hall: www.tuckermanhall.org
Muddy River Smokehouse
Ryle's Jazz Club
The Sea Note

Folks that sit in with us...
Charlie Jennison: www.allaboutjazz.com/php/musician.php?id=1880
Genevieve Rose: www.jazzbassplayer.com
Love Dogs, The: www.thelovedogs.com
Myanna: www.myanna.com
Peter Hostage: www.peterhostage.com

Big Bands...
(Comrades we've met up with in our travels or on the net)
Park Lane Big Band: www.parklanebigband.com (our friends in the U.K.)
Sentimental Journey Orchestra, The: sjobigband.com (Atlanta, GA)
Serenade Big Band: serenadebigband.org.uk (U.K.)

Swing Dance...
Brown University Swing Dance Club: studentactivities.brown.edu/organizations/swing-club-brown-university
Dance Net: www.havetodance.com
Dance-2-Swing Studios: www.dance2swing.com
Got2Lindy: www.got2lindy.com
UNH Hepcats: www.facebook.com/UNHHepcatsSwingClub/

Sites belonging to Compaq Big Band members and former members...
Vocalist Britt Connors: brittconnors.com/music
Scott Tringali: www.tringali.org

Musical resources and jazz web sites...
George Martell Photography: www.georgemartell.com
Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band: www.bigphatband.com
Maynard Ferguson: www.maynardferguson.com
Tom Kubis: www.tomkubis.com
Wellspring Sound: www.wellspringsound.com
WICN, New England's Jazz and Folk Station: wicn.org
Will Sherwood, graphic artist for our CD "Bandwidth" sherwoodphoto.com
WSCA-FM (Portsmouth, NH): wscafm.org

Copyright © 2025 Compaq Big Band.